
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dinner At The Village!

Matt and I went out walking around a place called the village tonight. It is just a lot of little shops with people's houses around them. It is amazing to see the condition that people live in and makes me realize how blessed we are to have all the things that we have. Anyway, we stopped at a little place to eat. There was just a bunch of stuff on this big table that you could choose from, we chose three potato sticks, two meat sticks (we think it was lamb), and I had a corn on the cob. All of that was only 6 rmb.. so less than 1 dollar. Pretty amazing huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Youngen,

I can't believe some of the stuff that you have done since you have been gone. I am really happy you got to do this and have the fun that you have. I love you and miss you and I really enjoy your blog. Talk to you later

Love Zach

February 24, 2008 at 9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourself it was lamb...woof woof!!!
Just kidding, it looks like fun.


February 25, 2008 at 9:57 AM  

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